Topics NOT Tested in Common Core Algebra II

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Recently, I received an email from a math teacher who had been surfing the listservs. He found a list reportedly from NYSED about topics that will no longer be tested on the new Common Core Algebra II Regents exam (as opposed to the current Algebra 2 with Trigonometry exam). He pointed out that some of the topic on the list were in the Table of Contents for our new Common Core Algebra II text. When… Read more »

Common Core Geometry and a Long Day

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So, besides the fun that eMATHinstruction gives me at night, I also have a day job. For those of you that didn’t already know, I am both a high school math teacher and the coordinator of the math department at Arlington High School. AHS is the 99th largest high school in the country, at roughly 3,600 students. Lots of students, lots of math classes, and lots and lots of tests. Yesterday we gave the Common… Read more »